Kendel Hippolyte (Castries, Santa Lucía) es poeta, dramaturgo y director de teatro. Su obra poética, cifrada en siete libros de poesía, así como su trabajo en el ámbito teatral, le han valido amplio reconocimiento tanto dentro como fuera del Caribe. Se ha hecho acreedor del Premio OCM Bocas for Caribbean Literature por su poemario Fault Lines y de la Medalla del Mérito otorgada por el gobierno de Santa Lucía por la totalidad de su labor.
Todo esto es lenguaje reúne algunos de los más notables poemas que componen la obra de Kendel Hippolyte. Sus textos recorren problemáticas agudas, urgentes, como nuestra relación con la historia y su amplio catálogo de crueldades, nuestro vínculo truncado con la naturaleza o la necesidad acuciante de asumir nuestra herencia compleja para asimilarla y sanearla. Hippolyte cree en la poesía como medio para comprender el pasado y para construir el futuro: todo este lenguaje está puesto al servicio del porvenir.
Adalber Salas Hernández
Kendel Hippolyte (Castries, Saint Lucia) is a poet, playwright, and theatre director. His poetic work, gathered in seven poetry collections, as well as his work in the theatrical world, have earned him wide recognition both inside and outside the Caribbean. He has received the OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature for his collection of poems Fault Lines, and the Medal of Merit awarded by the government of Saint Lucia for the totality of his work.
All this is language brings together some of the most notable poems that make up the work of Kendel Hippolyte. His texts cover acute, urgent problems, such as our relationship with History and its wide catalog of cruelties, our truncated link with nature, or the pressing need to assume our complex heritage in order to assimilate it in a healthy way. Hippolyte believes in poetry as a means to understand the past and to build the future: all this language is at the service of the future.
Adalber Salas Hernández
Kendel Hippolyte (Castries, Saint Lucia) is a poet, playwright, and theatre director. His poetic work, gathered in seven poetry collections, as well as his work in the theatrical world, have earned him wide recognition both inside and outside the Caribbean. He has received the OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature for his collection of poems Fault Lines, and the Medal of Merit awarded by the government of Saint Lucia for the totality of his work.
All this is language brings together some of the most notable poems that make up the work of Kendel Hippolyte. His texts cover acute, urgent problems, such as our relationship with History and its wide catalog of cruelties, our truncated link with nature, or the pressing need to assume our complex heritage in order to assimilate it in a healthy way. Hippolyte believes in poetry as a means to understand the past and to build the future: all this language is at the service of the future.
Adalber Salas Hernández
10 disponibles
10 disponibles
Río Atotonilco 1038-1
Colonia Atlas, 44870
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
Tel. 33 1048 2923
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